On 13 December 2022 the Municipality of Tuzi, within the project LEC - Civic energy future: sustainable Local Energy Communities, organized the International final conference to show the results of 4 LEC Pilot projects.
In the introductory part of the conference, the attendees were addressed by: Mrs. Amra Pepić on behalf of the Municipality of Tuzi (lead partner), Mr. Angello Miniello on behalf of the Municipality of Mirabello (partner on the project), and the achieved results of the project LEC were presented by experts: Biljana Gligorić on behalf of the Municipality of Tuzi, Adolfo Colagiovanni on behalf of the Municipality of Mirabello, Mrs. Ida Borielli on behalf of Confindustria BAT and Mrs. Adela Krajka on behalf of the Municipality of Tirana.
Each project partner presented the final pilot project results, which were demonstrated by a presentation and a video.
The Municipality of Tuzi presented its pilot project in High School "25 may", Tuzi, Confindustria Bari e Barletta-Andria-Trani in the Metropolitan City of Bari geographic area, Municipality of Mirabello in Primary school "G. Nebbia", and Municipality of Tirana its pilot project in Kindergarten 47.
The International Conference was ended by screening two videos in order to show project LEC results.
Link for storytelling video of the project LEC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMT5-4xjsKs