LEC poster and online meeting photo

28 April 2021
LEC project, first online Consortium Meeting in Bari

The first online Consortium Meeting of LEC project was held on 28 April 2021 through an online videoconference led by Confindustria Bari.

During the meeting the project partner presented the progress made in each work package highlighting also the next steps to speed up and complete the implementation of activities and deliverables.

This meeting was attended by representatives of: Municipality of Tuzi - Lead Partner; Confindustria Bari e Barletta-Andria -Trani - Project Partner 2; Municipality of Mirabello - Project Partner 3; Municipality of Tirana- Project Partner 4.

The project aims to contribute to improving energy efficiency and renewable energy usage through the development of a “local community of active energy consumers” (LEC) which cooperates with municipalities (public-private partnerships), by promoting the creation of sustainable municipalities models based on local actions inspired by the change in the everyday behavior of citizens. 

This project has been financed under the 2nd call of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme.