The cross border meeting to share/approve the LEC sustainable action plan and the third consortium meeting of project LEC were held in Municipality of Mirabello, Italy on 22nd February 2022.
In the first part of the day, the LEC partners held the cross border meeting to share and approve the LEC sustainable action plan. In the meeting partner's experts presented the good practices that were already experienced and showed which local actions were taken in the local level considering integrations/changes from the stakeholders and in order to transfer them to the WPL in this case to Municipality of Mirabello
During the cross border meeting WP leader collected the opinions, suggestions and critical issues about the document and will integrate them in order to finalize the LEC action plan.
The afternoon was dedicated for Third consortium meeting that was attended live by representatives of Municipality of Mirabello, Municipality of Tuzi, Confindustria Bari e Barletta-Andria-Trani and online by Municipality of Tirana.
Each partner presented the progress made in each Work Package highlighting also the next steps to speed up the implementation of future activities in order to implement all on time.